duxup 6 hours ago

I feel like every "ism" is always at risk from personal corruption, power, and etc.

Not many people really have principals that would prevent them from doing whatever benefits them when tempted.

The idea that much of any of this is really libertarianism is kinda silly. For anyone paying attention the GoP hasn't been interested in any sort of honest libertarianism ... ever?

dumbledoren 5 hours ago

The article talks as if it was different before Musk, Thiel, etc and the Silicon Valley wasn't asserting increasingly dystopian control of the internet for the sake of its shareholders, from limiting what people can do to literally socially-engineering content consumption. The 'non-libertarian' part of SV even collaborated with the earlier administration to 'shape opinion'. Not that SV was different a decade or two ago either - they were still doing everything they are doing today but 20 years ago there wasn't a possibility to exert this much control.

overu589 6 hours ago

The orgy of blame shame psyops are surging.

Know that it is these think tanks pushing these narratives who drive America’s talking points. There are those who pay them for it, and then there are the ruling class of those, the dominant voices in their minds who you will never hear of. This is a battle for control ideology, not corrupt libertarianism.

The mind boggled masses think the most pressing issues are those talked most loudly and of frequent attention. The true issues are not those addressed, they are talked around, those the spontaneous antics of politics will jilt from attention.

Know that you, populous, are a lascivious mob of fickle appetites. You eat and shit noble hearts. If you are to have integrity you must rebuild your own foundations and cut yourself from the umbilical maintaining the lie that is your middle American lifestyle. Own your own jobs, own your own land, have no debt, speak for yourself and your own. Own your own asses. You are self deceivers.

(I am not a libertarian)