Show HN: A preference passport for AI agents and faster shopping
benevolent-unicorn-7cd982.netlify.appI created a prototype for a "Universal Preference Passport" that stores all your detailed preferences to make shopping faster. It describes a preference profile where you store all your requirements for products (in this example, outdoor gear) and retailers and experts can recommend products that meet all of your requirements.
Why preference passports?
I always wonder why I have to re-enter the same preferences and data on multiple websites. For example: Entering the same size|color|price|shipping filters on multiple shopping sites, entering the same flight duration|luggage|budget|#stops details on multiple flight booking sites, entering the same age|height|weight|fitness goals details on every new fitness app I try. Why not store all of these preferences in one place and have the businesses pull this data to give me recommendation?
Even better, I could broadcast my preferences in gory detail and share it with retailers. It would be like reverse advertisements where I advertise my needs to businesses and they get the opportunity to win my business if their product fully meets all of my criteria. Imagine a world where advertisements were actually useful product recommendations.
Other ways these passports could be used:
- Share your preference passport with AI agents so "plan a trip" automatically becomes "plan a trip for these flight budgets | dates | #passengers | hotel ratings | types of locations to visit | budgetary requirements | noise levels | review red flags | luggage requirements | refund options | preferred flight and hotel providers
- Share your preference passport easily on Reddit, Hacker News and other "give me advice" forums so experts can tailor their advice to your needs and background
- Apps, retailers and service providers can get aggregated and anonymized preference data to understand market needs and build better products (e.g: A fitness provider may learn that there's a sizeable number of people in their area looking for a semi-private offering in between group classes and personal training)
What do you think? Are there areas where a preference passport can help you get to the perfect products and services you need faster?