"Another kind of job ad is reserved for YC-funded startups. These appear on the front page, but are not stories: they have no vote arrows, points, or comments. They begin part-way down and fall steadily. Only one is on the front page at a time." quoted from https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html
YCombinator pays for servers and full-time staff. It's job ads for companies they invested it, the companies don't need to pay anything. HN is a big side-project not meant to be profitable.
"Another kind of job ad is reserved for YC-funded startups. These appear on the front page, but are not stories: they have no vote arrows, points, or comments. They begin part-way down and fall steadily. Only one is on the front page at a time." quoted from https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html
This is so weird! So this was the whole point of HN! A funnel!
YCombinator pays for servers and full-time staff. It's job ads for companies they invested it, the companies don't need to pay anything. HN is a big side-project not meant to be profitable.
What domain do you think you're on when you visit HN?
That's an ad. Also note that you cannot comment on them, which is abnormal except for [dead] submissions and older submissions.
Yes! Its weird. Who posts these?
This forum is hosted by a company called Y Combinator, they are a VC firm. Those ads are for YC companies.