larsrc 3 months ago

This is a really nice idea! I played it a little bit and found one thing that can be confusing (at least for experienced Bash users): The use of <> as quotes. For instance:

   You can use the < head -n 1 > spell to take a peek at what a file holds
How about using a not-easily-typeable character pair like the guillemots?
  • andrecarini 3 months ago

    > guillemots

    May I suggest 「these」 instead?

    • KuhlMensch 3 months ago


      I'm adding this to my ascii "vocab"

      • Hasnep 3 months ago

        They're CJK 「quotation marks」, so not actually ASCII

  • dotancohen 3 months ago

    Why not the backtick? That's the standard in Markdown, and its actual use in bash is nearly eliminated with the far safer $() syntax.

  • wolandark 3 months ago

    I agree, I myself have doubts about using the chevrons as quotes. bashcrawl used * to show the commands you're supposed to type. You can imagine my confusion when I encountered that notion. Using «» is a good idea though, thank you.

blululu 3 months ago

This is great. At some point in time I realized how much I was using the terminal and spending a bit of time to learn the basics is a great investment of time. I used a similar rouge-like to learn (this one I think:, and it really did help to nail in the basics. Would definitely recommend spending the time on one of these games for anyone who wants to learn.

  • wolandark 3 months ago

    Thank you! Yes I did draw somw inspiration from bashcrawl as well. I didn't know about these types of games when I started using the shell. I'm hoping this can help a few new comers.

    • araes 3 months ago

      If it's something longer term as a project, some other stuff:

      D&D: The Hypertext SRD has 3.5, 5, and Pathfinder material for ideas. Most Nix variants have in them ... it's dangerous in the darkness. Plus, there's lots of word jokes like "Bash the door down" style of play

      Myst/7th Guest/Visual Novel: People in-thread are talking pictures. While command line seems to be the goal, still-frame imagery puzzles using bash commands would be cool.

      The Emoji Movie/Cell Phone: Adventures in the land of appscrapers and their cobble-touch avenues as your Nethack/Rogue icon delves the "open source" nix of the phone hardware.

zersiax 3 months ago

I love this ;) If you do add TUI graphics please consider adding a switch to not use them, ascii art is majorly annoying with a screen reader :)

  • wolandark 3 months ago

    Thanks and of course, I want it to be accessible to everyone.

user3939382 3 months ago

I’m reminded of that movie Hackers where the kid has to solve a 3D maze to authenticate with some remote computer lol

  • MagnumOpus 3 months ago

    Oh and Jurassic Park as well when the girl “hacks” an SG 3D file system navigator to find her way around the computer. “Unix! I know this. ”

BeetleB 3 months ago

Is this more about learning bash or about learning UNIX utilities?

I need more of the latter then the former.

29athrowaway 3 months ago

I hope someone makes a video of this game.

shakna 3 months ago

So is ag "cheating"...?

bozhark 3 months ago

Is there a dengeon option?

smusamashah 3 months ago

Please add a screenshot of what it looks like. I am assuming the only picture you have on the page is not how game looks.